Citation - New York Weekly Journal: 1750.04.02

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Index Entry In ev'ry climate, age and state [fl] 
Location Boston 
2 Apr 1750:41 (849)
From the Boston Weekly Post-Boy.  Sir, The following lines
were wrote just after the arrival of the money granted us by
Parliament, by a gentleman who was in the country but a few
weeks; if you will give them a place in your paper you will
oblige, Your humble servant, etc.
  In ev'ry climate, age and state
  Our passions are the same:
  One hour 'tis wealth employs our wish,
  The next we sigh for fame.
  . . . [8 more verses, 32 more lines]

Generic Title New York Weekly Journal 
Date 1750.04.02 
Publisher Zenger, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1750 
Bibliography B0031758
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